Interest Rate Reduction Act

Floor Speech

Date: April 27, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LEVIN. The Republicans have taken a 180-degree turn on helping with student loans. The Republican budget said ``no,'' and in February, Governor Mitt Romney said this:

The right course for America is to make sure that we provide loans to the extent we possibly can at an interest rate that doesn't have the taxpayers having to subsidize people who want to go to school.

Now he and the Republicans here have shifted--shifty indeed. How they are doing so is not only politically expedient, but extremely harmful. They hit health care--health care. They refuse to end a tax break for Big Oil that never should have been given in the first place, even though the Big Five oil companies made more than $32 billion in the fourth quarter of last year alone. This bill is shameless, and it is shameful. Vote ``no.''

